Online Courses: Good or Bad?

I think it all depends on the person taking the course.

There are many perks to having an online course. Not only are you able to tackle a job on the side, but you are also able to participate in the class while in the comforts of your home. I find it to be really convenient, especially those who are unable to attend a classroom setting course because they have kids or a job. Along with that, they are also good as a summer course because you can be in another country and still be part of the class.

On the other hand, there are some downsides to having an online course. One is that you  don’t get to meet other people. I mean, you do, but it’s not the same as going into a classroom and introducing yourself. This is important because you are then able to build friendships and connections for the future.

For me, I like online courses just because I can do my homework in my pajamas. Instead of waking up, taking the shuttle, and listening to a lecture, I can just roll out of bed and complete my assignments.

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